“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror ever be polished? “ -Rumi

Embrace the process and the opportunities that are hidden in plain sight. By that, I mean those situations that make us want to fight, flee, cringe, freeze or judge…we can pause and ask: What deeper awareness can be gained here?

If my soul were trying to learn a lesson here, what would it be? These don’t have to be crazy big dramas. What we need to learn is right there in whatever we are experiencing RIGHT NOW.

Perhaps through the lack we are learning to appreciate and be grateful for what we DO have, or through the mistreatment we are learning to level up our internal relationship with ourself (how we speak to ourself, what we allow ourself to do, feel, etc.)

The energy of Life is expansion and movement, and I believe It will always naturally move us in that same direction: towards greater wholeness,  authenticity, and awareness of our true essence, which is pure LOVE.

To do that, Life reflects back those things within us that need to be embraced, accepted, let go, of etc.

Sometimes Life shows us what we no longer want to tolerate so that we get the desire to level up internally/change our energy/know our worth and thereby create and manifest a new experience for ourselves.

Perhaps we are settling for less,  and Life is just trying to show us where and how we are doing that so we can receive what is truly meant for us.

The question is always “what is this situation trying to teach me?”

If you would like help changing your subconscious beliefs, DM me for a theta healing session where we can go into a theta brain wave state and work on your subconscious beliefs and underlying feeling states to create the life you want.